1. Subscribe to Koha library system by KohaSupport on AWS Marketplace

  • Go to https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace alt text
  • Search for “Koha Integrated Library Management System by KohaSupport” alt text
  • Click “Continue to subscription”. If you don’t yet have an AWS account, you will be prompted to create one. It’s an easy process that only takes a few steps.
  • Accept the terms and wait for the subscription request to be processed. alt text alt text
  • You will now have access to the latest version of KohaSupport’s Amazon Machine Image (AMI). You will use this to launch your Koha instance(s).

2. Create a virtual server instance using the Koha AMI

You can either launch your Koha instance via the AWS Marketplace or the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) console (this option provides more control over the instance configuration).

2.1 Option 1 – Launch Koha via AWS Marketplace

  • Click “Continue to Configuration” alt text
  • Under “Configure this software”, select the fulfillment option, software version, and region in which you wish to launch the instance. You will also see estimated costs under “Pricing information” and details of the free trial.
  • Click “Continue to Launch”.
  • Under “Launch this software”, configure your EC2 virtual machine instance.
    • Choose Action: To launch via the EC2 console, select “Launch through EC2”. To continue with the AWS Marketplace, select “Launch through AWS Marketplace”. alt text
    • EC2 Instance Type: Select the instance type based on your requirements. We recommend an instance type with at least 2vCPUs and 4GiB RAM for optimal performance.
    • VPC Settings: Choose the VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and subnet for your instance. This can be the default VPC or a custom VPC. If you are not sure, use the default VPC. If you don’t have a VPC, you can create one using the “Create a VPC in EC2” link. alt text
    • Subnet Settings: Choose a subnet within the selected VPC.
    • Security Group: Configure the security group settings for your instance. You can use the “Create New Based on Seller Settings” option to create a new security group based on our recommendations. This security group will allow access to the necessary ports (port 80 for the OPAC and 8080 for the staff page). If you want to SSH into the server, make sure to open port 22 as well.
    • Key Pair: Select an existing key pair or create a new one. This key pair will be used to access your instance securely via SSH.
  • Click “Launch”. You will see a confirmation message that your instance is being launched with links to the EC2 console and the AWS Marketplace. alt text
    • You can view your subscription details and manage your instance through the AWS Marketplace console under “Manage subscriptions”. alt text
    • You can view usage instructions under “Manage > Actions > Products > Usage Instructions” in the AWS Marketplace console.alt text
    • You can also launch additional instances.

2.2 Option 2 – Launch via EC2 Console

  • Go to the EC2 console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/
  • Click “Launch Instance”.
  • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI):
    • Click “Browse more AMIs” and select “AWS Marketplace AMIs”.alt text
    • Search for “Koha Integrated Library Management System by KohaSupport”.alt text
    • Click “Select”. If you are not already subscribed to the product, you will be prompted to subscribe.alt text
  • Under “Launch an Instance”, configure your EC2 virtual machine instance.
    • Name and tags: Give your instance a name (optional).alt text
    • Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): The Koha AMI will be pre-selected.alt text
    • Instance type: We recommend using an instance type with at least 2vCPUs and 4GiB memory for optimal performance. For large libraries with high circulation, you will need a larger instance type.
    • Key pair: Select an existing key pair or create a new one. This key pair will be used to access your instance securely.alt text
    • Network settings: Choose the VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and subnet for your instance. Configure security groups to allow access to the necessary ports (port 80 for the OPAC and 8080 for the staff page). If you want to SSH into the server remotely, you should also open port 22.alt text
    • Storage: We recommend using at least 20GB of storage for the root volume.alt text
    • Under “Advanced Details”, you can configure additional settings such as user data scripts, monitoring, and other advanced options. We recommend enabling instance termination protection to prevent accidental termination of the instance.alt text
  • Click “Launch Instance”.
  • Once the instance is launched, you should consider configuring a static IP to your instance. This will assign a fixed IP address for your Koha server, preventing it from changing every time your instance restarts. This is especially important if you plan to use a custom domain name for your Koha OPAC and staff client.

Once your Koha EC2 instance is running, complete the post-installation configuration steps.